How To Make TARDIS In Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy 2 is a popular game where you combine elements to create new ones. TARDIS, which stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space, is a fictional time machine from the TV show Doctor Who. In this blog, we will guide you on how to make TARDIS in Little Alchemy 2.

How To Make TARDIS In Little Alchemy 2?

Step 1: Combine Metal And Time

To make TARDIS, you need to start by combining two basic elements, metal and time. To create metal, combine fire and stone, and to create time, combine sand and glass. Once you have these two elements, combine them to make a clock.

Step 2: Combine Clock And Container

The next step is to combine the clock you just created with a container. To create a container, combine metal and glass. Then, combine the clock and container to create a watch.

Step 3: Combine Watch And Spaceship

The final step is to combine the watch with a spaceship to create TARDIS. To create a spaceship, combine metal and a rocket. Once you have the spaceship, combine it with the watch to make TARDIS.

In Summary, Here Are The Steps To Make TARDIS In Little Alchemy 2:

  • Combine fire and stone to make metal
  • Combine sand and glass to make time
  • Combine metal and glass to make a container
  • Combine metal, glass, and fire to make a rocket
  • Combine metal, time, and container to make a clock
  • Combine a clock and container to make a watch
  • Combine a watch and a spaceship to make TARDIS

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How Do You Make The TARDIS In Little?

Walkthrough for TARDIS in Little Alchemy

  • earth + fire = lava.
  • fire + water = steam.
  • air + steam = cloud.
  • air + lava = stone.
  • air + stone = sand.
  • air + cloud = sky.
  • fire + sand = glass.
  • sky + stone = Moon.

How Do You Get TARDIS?

The TARDIS can be locked/unlocked with, summoned by, and bound to a TARDIS key or a Stattenheim Remote.

How Do You Summon TARDIS?

A TARDIS Key must be crafted before you can claim your TARDIS. Once you have crafted a TARDIS Key, ‘Right Click’ the ground to summon your new TARDIS. You can summon your TARDIS after this by holding down ‘Shift’ and ‘right clicking’.

What Is The Rare Little Alchemy TARDIS?

In Little Alchemy, the TARDIS is a 13-step recipe that begins with Earth + Fire to make Lava and goes through the universal elements to make Moon, Time, Star, Space, and finally Time + Space = TARDIS.


Making TARDIS in Little Alchemy 2 is a fun and easy process that involves combining various elements to create new ones. By following the steps outlined above, you can create TARDIS and explore the game’s vast world. Remember to experiment with different combinations to discover new elements and expand your knowledge of the game.


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